Pulsatile tinnitus

Genia Kanne-Shmigol, Au.D, Doctor of Audiology, has observed a groundbreaking new approach to treating pulsatile tinnitus at The Ottawa Hospital, led by Dr. Robert Fahed, interventional Neuroradiologist and Stroke Neurologist. With expertise in non-surgical treatments, she offers comprehensive care. In severe cases where these methods are insufficient, we remain informed about advanced surgical techniques and can advise your primary healthcare provider regarding referral options.
Pulsatile tinnitus mimics the rhythm of the heartbeat and commonly presents as:
- Thumping or throbbing: A rhythmic pulsing sound.
- Whooshing or swishing: Similar to blood flow or a wave-like sound.
- Clicking: Occasionally heard in conjunction with the pulsatile nature.
- Ringing: Sometimes accompanies the pulsing sensation.
These sounds are intermittent and synchronize with the heartbeat. If you experience pulsatile tinnitus, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional, such as an audiologist or physician, as it may indicate an underlying medical condition requiring attention.
Visit www.ottawahears.com for more information.
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